Have a Business Idea?

Get Your Website Up and Running Quickly


Do you need a Wordpress website done? We have done many Wordpress sites with our previous clients. Services include installation and setup of Wordpress site, as well as theme updates or any plug-in updates you need.

Already have a website?

If you need updates, we have solutions for you. Whether it is a one time update or regular updates, we have a package that can fit your needs.

Did your previous web designer abandon your website? We can take over where they left off.

Learn to Code

Want to learn how to code html, css and other popular languages? We have taught full stack programming at universities before and now are offering private classes.



Have a business idea?

We can turn your business idea into a website that can convert viewers into buyers. If you don't have a web presence, then now is the perfect time to have visibility on the web - every day that you don't have a web presence, you are missing out on lots of traffic, and that means money!


Writing Services

Do you need a writer for your blog or social media platforms? We have written blogs, social media posts and novels. Whether it's regular writing or a one time thing, we have the solution for you.

You can see our works at the smashwords book store: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/TheJadeEmperor


Payment Portals

We have done projects with the most popular payment portals such as Paypal & Stripe & various others. Some of our clients needed to take donations or accept monhtly payments for subscriptions. Whether it is a simple donate button or other payment options, we have the solution for you.

Personal Portfolio

Professional Portfolio

Client Portfolio

Portfolio Highlights


Radio Host needed an internet live stream

A radio host needed a way for his audience to listen to his programs that were streaming 24/7. We used RadioKing as the platform and integrated a "Listen Live" button where viewers can click on it and listen to the host's program.

In addition, the client wanted to host the domain outside of Godaddy. We migrated the domain to another webhost in no time at all.

Political Campaign

A Politician needed to smear her opponent

A politician running for office needed voters to know the truth about her opponent and sent us the facts and from those tidbits of informaion we turned it into a website.

We can start your campaign right away that won't break the bank

World Wide Video

A small business owner needed to sell cameras

We set up an online store that displays the owner's video cameras, as well as a payment system linked with Paypal.

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