Projects & Courses

Resume of Benjamin Louie

Senior Project

Designed a lego vehicle to run through a maze and disarm a bomb, programmed in Robolab. Click below to view wireframes in AutoCAD.

Full Stack Teacher

Watch me teach college students how to do full stack coding

Featured Lessons

Teaching CSS

CSS Blocks - Display block, inline, and inline-block

In this lesson, I go over the differences between block, inline, and inline-block, as well as apply them in practice. Also, I analyze sample websites submitted by my students and explain their code, as well as duplicate the website using the code I taught in class.

What makes me different than other teachers is that I teach not only theory, but practice using real world examples.

CSS Blocks & CSS Exercises

Intro to Bash

Introduction to Full Stack Development

Bash Programming & How the Internet Works

In this lesson, I introduce my students to the concept of the internet and how websites work, and then I teach them how to work their way around linux using bash.

Unlike other professors, I have worked in several companies before becoming a teacher, so I teach from experience. If you want to learn how to code, contact us here.

Teaching Javascript and the DOM

Introduction to Javacript

In this class I introduce Javascript to my students. We went over Javascript syntax, debugging to the console, as well as logic statements such as for loops, if statements, while loops, and arrays.

What makes me different than other teachers is that I teach not only theory, but practice using real world examples.

Introduction to Javacript

Coding Lessons

Intro to Bash

HTML Basics & HTML Forms

HTML & Basic CSS

Basic CSS & Mockups

CSS Exercises & CSS Box Model & Trello

CSS Exercises & CSS Display-Block Model

Github Repo, Clone, Branches, Conflicts

Rem fonts, video tag, responsive design

0714 - Javascript & CSS menus

Professional Projects

jQuery Calendar

jQuery Calendar

jQuery User

jQuery User

Tammi Landing Page

Tammi Landing Page

Alcohol Screening

Alcohol Screening

Built using Wordpress, Advanced Custom Fields, PHP & MySQL. Desktop & mobile screenshots included.

Online Course for Anti-drug Use

Online Course for Anti-drug Use

Landing page made for anti-drug online course, compatible with Wordpress

Breaking Points

Breaking Points

Breaking Points landing page used for meeting with Google

Help & Hope

Help & Hope

H & H

Heroin Hub

Heroin Hub

Heroin Hub

Alcohol Screening

If you're wondering if you're drinking too much or just curious, you can take this screening to see your risk level compared to your peers. Take the short assessment to receive a score of low, moderate or high risk, as well as recommendations to begin quitting.

Built using Wordpress, Advanced Custom Fields, PHP & MySQL. Desktop & mobile screenshots included.

AS Mobile Screenshots

Every screen must send user data to the company's internal API via jQeury ajax calls. Data from the html form is turned into json data, which gets sent to the API when user clicks next page. The website retrieves a session token from the API to identify the user.

Most of the texts and images were created in Advanced Custom Fields, so an admin can go in and change the content easily.

Built using Wordpress, Advanced Custom Fields, PHP & MySQL. Desktop & mobile screenshots included.



Tammi Landing Page

Project TAMMI is a research study that tests whether different types of text messages and assessments are helpful to people who want to cut down on their drinking. This project is being conducted through the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research at Northwell Health, and is sponsored by the NIAAA.

This landing page is completely responsive and mobile friendly, using CSS and Javascript.

jQuery Calendar

Scheduling features
• Student schedules all 5 meetings in the same screen, for IE meetings it’s 3 meetings at once
• For meeting 1 you click on the calendar, open the pop up and select a time from the timepicker, and the selected date/time appears on the left module
• Then meeting 2 is highlighted, which is the active meeting. You do the same with meeting 1. Then meeting 3 is highlighted.
• When you’re done you can add a comment to your coach and click the submit button and save the meetings to the database

jQuery User Management

User Dashboard Features
• Top left corner - user can edit their own profile - jQuery pop up • Edit their schedule - data is linked with their calendar
• View their inbox and check for messages and send messages to other users
• Reminder “ribbons” with different colors
• Upcoming meetings tab - jQuery dataTable

eCourse Landing Page

BreakingPoints Landing Page




Search and Rescue USA

SMS Help & Hope

Let’s Keep In Touch